Being in Lockdown

Like the majority of business, we’ve been on lockdown for over four weeks now.

I’ve seen some brands offering fittings through video chat, posting out fabric samples and continuing to work through the current restrictions.

We’re not offering this kind of service because we believe the customer experience is too important to skip. Choosing fabrics, designing suit styles and measuring up is something that we value very highly, so much so that to try and do this without the tactility of being there in person in store would be a disservice, both to the client and the final product.


Looking through the Archives

As we’re not working on any orders at the moment, I’ve had the chance to look back through some of the highlights of my career and reminisce on the journey.

It’s been really great looking back through the archives, at old photos and videos, reconnecting with old friends and sparking some interesting conversations.

I documented it all through instagram and posted some videos on IGTV - follow the link below to see the whole story.